PolicyLink: Promise Neighborhoods Institute
© 2014 PolicyLink
Three Guineas Fund is a multi-year investor in PolicyLink, a national research and action institute advancing economic and social equity by connecting the work of people on the ground to the creation of sustainable communities of opportunity.
Guided by the belief that those closest to the nation’s challenges are central to finding solutions, PolicyLink relies on the wisdom, voice, and experience of local residents and organizations. Lifting Up What Works brings focus to how people are working successfully to use local, state, and federal policy to create conditions that benefit everyone, especially people in low-income communities and communities of color. The work is grounded in the conviction that equity – just and fair inclusion – must drive policy decisions.
Inspired by the successful model of the Harlem Children’s Zone, the Promise Neighborhoods Institute supports communities of opportunity centered on strong schools – to wrap children in education, health, and social supports from the cradle to college to career. By effectively coordinating the efforts of schools, families, social services, health centers, and community-building programs, all children can fulfill their promise.
With the support of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute, over 50 communities are planning or implementing results-focused, data-driven Promise Neighborhoods, scaling up to serve 200,000 children nationwide.